Our Paint Booth Systems
Standard Tools and Equipment Co. is proud to offer a range of ETL certified paint booths. Click to learn more about ETL certification.
Great for the body shop professional as well as the restoration enthusiast. Our automotive paint booths come in many standard sizes and styles or we can custom design a booth to your specifications. Your paint booth can also be manufactured with a heated Spray Cure air make-up unit.
Our extensive line of industrial paint booths can accommodate a wide variety of painting applications. We manufacture many varieties of industrial paint booths from a small open front paint booth to a large truck or heavy equipment front filtered paint booth. We also offer varying widths and depths as well as customization of an industrial paint booth to meet your requirements.
We have developed a large selection of open front and filtered air spray booths for the small cabinet shop, furniture shop, wood finishing shop and woodworker. Our open front spray booths work well for the wood working shop that has a designated finishing area apart from the cutting and sanding portion of the shop. The filtered intake air models can be located anywhere in the shop to provide a clean air setup for any type of wood finishing required.
Our truck and heavy equipment paint booths are manufactured to provide a quality finishing solution to a variety of industries. Trucking, construction, RV manufacturing and repair, education, department of defense, large equipment manufacturers and the transit industry are just some of the industries that have selected Standard Tools and Equipment Co. as their paint booth supplier.
Our MCB-1000 series spray booths are custom sized for a motorcycle and have a variety of lighting and air filtration options. Perfect for the motorcycle builder or restoration shop.
Our self-contained, ventilated paint mixing booths or paint kitchens are ideal for storing, mixing and matching paints.
Since we manufacture all of our paint booths at our facility in Greensboro, NC, we can customize the size of a spray booth to meet any space constraints. Let us help you in designing a paint booth that will meet your shop needs and your budget. The word custom does not add significant cost or production time to your booth.
ETL is an international third-party contractor that tests and verifies to ensure select paint booths meet the NFPA-33 code that defines the requirements for paint booths and paint mixing rooms. Standard Tools offers an optional ETL kit for a wide variety of paint booths that includes the respected ETL listed label and the hardware that completes this certification. Read more about an ETL listed booth.
In a cross flow paint booth, fresh air enters in through the booth entry doors in the front and exhausted though a filter system on the opposite end of the booth.
This paint booth draws fresh air through the ceiling in the front, it is filtered twice, and then exhausted through a filter system in the corners, on the opposite end of the paint booth.
This style provides ideal air flow for easy paint application with minimal surface contamination. This paint booth draws fresh air through a double set of filters in the ceiling and exhausts out of each side wall along the bottom of the booth.
In this style, the exhaust is located in the front near the drive in doors and the fresh air enters through the rear wall. This allows any debris near the drive in door to be pulled directly into the exhaust. This paint booth provides great air filtration at the entrance of the booth, limiting shop dust from entering the booth.
This paint booth draws air through the open front which is then exhausted through the back wall filters.
Safe, Compliant and Affordable
The world of paint booths is vast and selecting the right paint booth for you can be difficult and confusing. We want to make sure that you select a paint booth that will fit your needs, your space and your budget. Our specialists can answer your questions and help you choose the right booth or start the process of designing a custom paint booth system.
Our state-of-the-art paint booth systems provide clean, well-lit, and well-ventilated enclosed areas for quality spray finishes.

Key questions to ask yourself in determining what paint booth system will meet your needs:
- What are you painting? It seems obvious, but different applications require different needs.
- What are your production goals?
- How much painting and how often?
- What space inside your facility do you have to work with?
- Is it important to have an ETL Listed booth?
- What is your budget?
Popular Paint Booth Categories
Automotive Paint Booth

Industrial Paint Booth

Woodworking Spray Booth

Truck & Heavy Equipment Paint Booth

Motorcycle Paint Booth

Paint Mixing Booth

Custom Paint Booth

ETL Listed Paint Booth

Paint Booth Air Flow Styles
Cross Flow Paint Booth

Semi Downdraft Paint Booth

Side Downdraft Paint Booth

Reverse Flow Paint Booth

Open Face Paint Booth