Heated Paint Booths
A booth that is heated provides a more comfortable spraying environment, a superior finish, better productivity and a higher profit margin.
An air makeup unit (AMU) guarantees that the paint booth has the accurate amount of air flow needed to be safe and compliant. Once spraying is completed, the AMU can be turned to cure mode for the paint to bake. In the spray mode, the ETL-listed Sure-Cure delivers fresh air from outside your building to provide the correct volume and ventilation for an unflawed finish quality. In the cure mode, the Sure-Cure AMU raises the ambient air temperature to speed the curing process while maintaining the impeccable paint job. Get more done in your booth when you can cure the paint quickly. There are many ways to determine if an AMU would be beneficial to your business.
The direct-fire Sure-Cure AMU can be placed inside or outside the building and is available from 10,000 CFM – 26,000 CFM. When a booth is installed, the amount of exhausted air must be a consideration. NFPA-33 states, “If the volume of the room or building where the exhaust system is located is not at least equal to 20 times the volumetric capacity of the fans (three air changes per hour), then additional make-up air should be provided”. We can help you determine how much air you need to provide your booth, or you can calculate your building's air flow.