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Powder Coating Process on Your Spray Booth: in Photos

We can talk all day long about the benefits of getting your paint booth powder coated white. We actually have a great blog on all the benefits. What better way than to show you how we powder coat your booth, from beginning to shipping … in photos.


The paint booth panels are off of the production line and ready to be sent to the Powder Coating area. Once in the powder coating area, the panels are hung up and prepped for coating. This means cleaning the metal really well to get the best adherence of powder.

Paint booth panel getting preppedAnother paint booth panel getting prepped Hanging paint booth panels Continue reading Powder Coating Process on Your Spray Booth: in Photos

Powder coating offers brilliant white booths!

Powder coating is the fastest growing finishing technology in North America, representing over 10% of all industrial finishing applications. So what is a Powder Coated Finish?

Have you ever seen a really shiny and clean metal piece and wondered what type of paint it was? It was probably a powder coated finish, which is an advanced method of applying a protective finish to practically any type of metal. It’s a sprayed powder that is a mixture of finely ground particles of pigment and resin. Once sprayed, the item is ‘baked’ at a very high temperature to cure the smooth finish and leave it with a sleek and durable ‘skin’. Here’s an old filing cabinet that we powder coated yellow.

Powder Coated Finish: The Powder Coating process provides one of the most economical, longest lasting, and most color-durable finishes available for metal. Powder coated surfaces are more resistant to weather, chipping, scratching, fading, and wearing than other finishes. Powder coatings produce no drips, runs or sags. Edge coverage and coverage inside holes and nooks is exceptional. See the process from our Powder Coating production on this new blog. Continue reading Powder coating offers brilliant white booths!


barneyOne of the benefits that the Internet has brought with it is the ability to find almost anything that you’re looking for from the comfort of your computer. No longer is location a barrier to doing business. Let me give you an example. Do you remember that big purple dinosaur from the 90’s, Barney?  Say you’re throwing a Barney birthday party for your soon-to-be-three year old, no longer do you have to drive to a zillion stores to see who carries supplies from that popular children show from 25 years ago. Now, you can hop on Amazon or Ebay, check out or scoot over to Walmart’s site to order custom banners, posters, balloons and table clothes that have the big purple Dino on it. Within an hour, you can be done. Some of these products come from China (the Dinosaur is popular over there), some come from personal collections, and some are sold exclusively online for those searching for the hard-to-find supplies. Some of the sites you may choose to order from because you know of their business (everyone knows Walmart) and are familiar with them. But what if you have never heard of them or have no idea who they are? Would you still choose to do business with them? It’s hard to determine how genuine a business is when you are simply looking at their web site. When you are looking for a paint booth, you are looking at a large investment… not just some balloons or party décor. How can you decide if the company you’re looking at online is a legitimate business that will provide you a quality booth?

Here are some signs that you may want to pay attention to when shopping online.

Remember that anyone can get a web site and pay to show up on Google. Here are some results for “Paint booth” on Google.

NC paint booth Google search resultsA nice web site may be a good sign, but what is contained within that web site is even more important. Don’t be swayed with how “nice” a site is… but for the information they provide about themselves. When you search for a product on Google, remember that anyone can pay to show up in the ads … the one’s who show up in the organic results are the ones that are there because of the content they provide as well as the record they have proven to Google.


This is a big giveaway that it is a company you may not want to do business with. When ordering anything online, it’s important to find out that it is a legitimate business before you give them payment information. If the company does not freely provide their location (actual address), business history and how their booths are made (and where they are made)…. I would go with a more established organization. Get a physical address and Google Image the map of it. A PO Box is not a physical address.  FYI- When you Google our address, this is what you see, our office and plant facilities…. with an actual brick-and-mortar location and cars in the parking lot.

4810 Clover Rd. MapquestA companies web site should include: where their booths are manufactured, where their booths are shiDistribution centerspped from, who is makes the booths, how long the business has been making booths, how many employees they have, etc.

Some competitors list several states that they have “locations” in… but in reality they are a distributor of a company that have storage warehouses in those locations. Some of these companies do not have any kind of brick-and-mortar location, although they present themselves to.

If you are shopping on a site like eBay or Amazon, make certain you know the company you are purchasing it from.

about us video captureNO PRESENCE ON SOCIAL MEDIA

Can you find their basic web site but nothing else? No Facebook page or YouTube account. No blogs to read. Remember that anyone can set up a basic web site, that doesn’t mean they are a legitimate business. Find a company that constantly posts blogs with useful information, post photos of client’s products and testimonials. Companies should be utilizing as many avenues as possible to tell you about their company and products. If not, perhaps you should ask, “why?”


Every company has their share of upset customers, but if all you find online are customers that are complaining about their experience with a company…. It should be a red flag. You should be able to see both positive and some negative comments when you look at their reviews or scan their social pages.

PHOTOS OF ACTUAL PRODUCTS One of our paint booths with a car

We all want to see what the finished product looks like. Look for customer photos on their site or on their Facebook page. Drawings are the industry norm, but their social pages and blogs should provide images of what their booths look like after installation.


Are there misspelled words or errors in the formatting? For example, instead of “14’W x 10’H x 24’D” does it read “14’0?wid? x 10’0?hi?gh x 24’0?deep”?

These are signs that the business is:

a)     Copying and pasting the information from somewhere else.
b)    Doesn’t take the time to really proof their site for accuracy. Make sure you do business with a company that pays attention to the details.
c)     English isn’t their first language, so perhaps they are located elsewhere.

WHO THEY ARE Our funny Holiday picture

You should know whom you’re doing business with. Can you easily find a name, or photo, of someone at the company, or the CEO? Are there photos of the employees posted on their Facebook? Are there email addresses or direct phone numbers? Is there an “About Us” portion of their site that tells you their mission and why they are passionate about what they do? All of these little details add up to give you the information you need to make an informed decision on whom you are doing business with.

We thank you for your trust and your business!


Spray booth exhaust ductwork

In this photo, an installer has chosen to manifold three spray booth exhaust duct runs. (A manifold is a pipe or chamber branching into several openings.)

This layout probably looked great on paper and reduced the number of roof penetrations from three to just one.

Reality is such as nasty teacher.   The static pressure (resistance to the flow of air) was greater in the top portion of the ductwork than in the spray booths.  The ductwork downstream from the manifold point (above the joints) should be much larger than what is in the photo.   The air ventilated out of one booth actually flows into its neighbor.

Our booths are designed to meet specific airflow needs and we design them with ductwork. The spray booths in the photo were designed to have individual exhaust ductwork runs; they were not installed according to the design or instructions provided by Standard Tools.

Manifolding of exhaust ductwork is allowed by NFPA-33 only if devices exist in the ductwork that detect improper airflow.  The static pressure within the spray booth will change as the overspray builds up in the exhaust filters and as the obstruction within the booth changes (based on size and shape of parts in the spray booth).  This can be very technical and overly-complex.  The simple rule, and what Standard Tools recommends, is no manifolding of exhaust ductwork.  Keeping ductwork simple is the least expensive and best performing strategy in the long run. We suggest that you install your booth, and your ductwork, according to our recommendations to ensure proper airflow within your booth.

Quality Furniture Made in Furniture Spray Booth

Tanya with Paint Booth Specialist Kelly Goudy
Tanya with Paint Booth Specialist Kelly Goudy

Being based in North Carolina, we are right up the road from some pretty impressive furniture makers. “Furniture Market” is a HUGE thing around these parts and a lot of furniture makers use spray booths to apply the finish to their products.

Back in November, I had the great privilege to meet Tanya Miller at the Carolina Christmas Classic in our hometown, Greensboro, NC.  She along with her husband Josh, own and operate Oak Craft Inc. out of Brockway, PA. They specialize in handcrafted red oak and cherry furniture that is made in many popular styles. I took a few pictures of the quality craftsmanship after visiting with Tanya at the show.

I first met Tanya over the phone in the spring of this year when she called inquiring about needing one of our paint spray booths for their shop, a furniture spray booth. During our conversation in April she shared that she would actually be in Greensboro for the Christmas Classic in November.  I love getting to meet some of our customers face to face whenever I can and this was a great opportunity.

After admiring their beautiful kitchen tables and servers that they had on display (see pictures of those below), we talked a bit about the furniture spray booth she purchased and how it was working great for them.  She was kind enough to share her pleasure in doing business with us and especially how easy it actually was to get the booth chosen, delivered and installed just like we promised. A satisfied customer encourages us in our mission.

We exist to deliver excellence to the automotive and painting industry…every customer – every product – every day.


Using a Standard Tools Open Face Booth (OFB) for furniture
If you are in need of a quality and affordable paint booth to make your business better, give me a call. If you are looking for some really high quality, hand crafted furniture for your home, call Tanya and Josh. Whichever phone call you make, you won’t be disappointed.


Air Makeup Units (AMUs) Are HUMMIN’

AMU production 1014 (2)amu production 1014It’s going to be 85 in Greensboro, NC today, but cooler weather is just around the corner!  How do I know that?  Well, I just walked through our Sure-Cure air makeup unit (AMU) production shop, and things are hummin’.  We have four units on the bench in process and several more in the queue this week. These Sure-Cure AMU’s are in big demand.  ETL-certified and tested, they are among the safest units on the market today.

The Sure-Cure will provide gas-heated warm air inside your spray painting booth to speed curing time, even on the coldest days!  With a guaranteed 80 degree rise over ambient air temperature, if it is 0 degrees outside it will be 80 degrees inside your booth!  No more waiting hours or days for dry time.  Plus you can put it into cure mode at the end of the day and go home.  The unit will shut off automatically when the paint is cured.

If you have an Air Makeup Unit that is more than 10 years old you may be a candidate for a new high-efficiency Sure-Cure AMU.  Many of the old style Air Makeup Unit’s contain heat exchangers that can crack over years of use.  This greatly reduces the ability of the unit to heat the air to the desired temperature.  It could also result in dangerous fumes being emitted into your booth or painting area!

Our units are popular because Standard Tools is committed to a 2 to 3 week turnaround in producing these units, even in the winter months.  Other manufacturers take 8 to 12 weeks to ship an AMU!  So get your order in today, and be ready for the cold when it gets here!


During spray jobs in a paint booth, the exhaust system must draw substantial quantities of air out of the shop in order to operate. These volumes must be replenished with equal volumes of air coming into the booth.

STE_AMU Full CornerAIR MAKE-UP (AMU) is defined as…a mechanical means of replacing air that has been exhausted out of the booth.

It’s simple…. it’s all about paint booth air flow. How much air in being put into the booth and how much is being taken out. Airflow while spraying takes the over-spray away from the paint job and out of the booth.

Air in – Air out. Air in – Air out. Air in – Air out. Air in – Air out. That’s it. With the Sure-Cure Air Makeup Unit, you control the amount of air pushed into your booth. Why would you need to push air into your booth?

When the exhaust fan of the booth is turned on, it creates a “negative” air pressure in the booth cabin (taking out more air than is being put in). When there is a negative air pressure, the booth will try to suck in as much air as possible, including dirt and debris from outside the booth. THINK VACUUM CLEANERS.

To counter this “negative” pressure, an Air Makeup Unit (AMU) unit is used to supply air to replace the air being exhausted. If the AMU is designed to force more air into the booth than is exhausted…the booth is said to have “positive” air pressure. In this case, the booth has more air than outside the booth and when a door is opened, dirt and debris is pushed away from the booth. THINK STANDING IN FRONT OF A FAN. Continue reading PAINT BOOTH AIR FLOW: HOW IT WORKS


Standard Tool and Equipment LogoStandard Tools and Equipment Co designs and manufacturers spray booths and mixing rooms to comply with NFPA-33, the top-level safety code in the USA for spray application of flammable or combustible materials.  We are in compliance with these codes, which means that as the supplier, we feel that we meet the code. Being compliant is not always enough, as some authorities require certification by a third-party to confirm compliance. That’s where Intertek/ETL comes in. As a nationally recognized third-party certification organization, they have tested and certified our most popular spray booth and mixing room models.

We offer an upgrade package on our most popular spray booths and mixing rooms.  This package includes our ETL-listed electrical control panel, an air valve solenoid to interlock the fan motor and spray equipment and the ETL label for the booth.

ETL LogoSo, do you need the ETL listing?

  • Maybe, if the spray booth is to be located in a large city
  • Probably, if the spray booth is to be located in NY, MA, CT, RI, MN, CA, OR or WA
  • Probably, if the spray booth is part of a government facility like a school or a military base
  • Definitely, if the spray booth is located in New York City or any of its boroughs
  • Definitely, if your local authority says that it is required – You should contact your local fire and building authority as early as possible in the process of buying a new spray booth

How can you acquire the ETL listing?

  • Buy it with the spray booth.  Standard Tools is allowed by Intertek/ETL to apply the certification mark to the booth only prior to the spray booth shipping from our dock.
  • If the booth is already installed, you can contact our engineering team and we will provide contact information for Intertek.  Intertek will have to visit your shop to inspect the spray booth and apply the certification mark.  On-site certification is usually three to ten times more expensive than buying the ETL mark with the spray booth. Other on-site certifiers are UL and MET.

A little paint booth business mixed with pleasure in Williams, Arizona

Williams, AZActually it was “business” by accident, or by fate, however you wish to look at it. Not really business, as I wasn’t selling anything.

Kelly in Williams, AzI have been with Standard Tools and Equipment Company for over 22 years now. It is a blurred line between business and passion… as my business is my passion. Working and traveling with the company over the years has been fun and I have had the privilege to see places I probably never would have on my own. I had never really spent any time out west, other than some trade shows in Vegas. So, when my son was chosen as a summer intern at a camp in Williams, Arizona, it gave me the perfect excuse to “Go West” with my wife for vacation this year.

The city of Williams, Arizona is known as “The Gateway to the Grand Canyon”. It is a small town on the Historic Route 66, only 2-1/2 hour drive from Phoenix. Williams was the last town on Historic Route 66 to be bypassed by Interstate 40. The community, bypassed on Oct. 13, 1984, continues to thrive on tourism. The Historic Downtown District covers six square blocks and boasts a rich heritage that features the Old West and Route 66 coupled with tourism trends today and the town’s heyday years of the ’50s and ’60s.

On our first day in Williams, we decided to go for a walk through town. We were walking down Main Street (Route 66) and we passed Custom Designs Autobody. The big garage door was wide open… I couldn’t help myself. I peeked my head inside to see the equipment they were using (as we say in NC, you can take the boy out of Standard Tools, but you can’t take Standard Tools out of the boy). The body man in the shop was working in a paint booth and we chatted a few minutes. I would know one anywhere, a CF-1000 Cross Flow Paint Booth from Standard Tools bought in 2002.  12-years-old and they still use their booth every day!

CF 1000 paint booth in Williams, Arizona
CF 1000 Paint Booth in Williams, Arizona from 2002!

CF 1000 paint booth from the sideAs an online retailer of paint booths and other related products, I often don’t get to see the equipment I sell, all set up and being used. We love it when customers send us pictures of their booth after install, or when they are using it… but mostly they are too busy painting to send photos on. I am never surprised to hear where the next booth is being shipped. We have them all over the world. I wish I could travel to see every single one of them…. oh, the places I would see.

We continued our vacation to the west coast, driving down the Pacific Coast Highway for a week. Because of this little business & pleasure encounter though, I couldn’t help but look for all the body shops along the way….hoping to see through an open garage door and catch of glimpse of one more of the thousands of booths we have sold across America over the last 17 years.

I have included a few pictures that I took that day and a few more from the Grand Canyon itself although pictures can never capture the magnificence of seeing it with your own eyes.

Kelly Goudy

Grand Canyon 3

Grand Canyon 2

Do I Need Paint Booth MakeUp Air? What the heck is it?

Sure-Cure Air Makeup Unit
Sure-Cure Air Makeup Unit

Since we have announced the arrival of the Sure-Cure AMU to the market, we have been getting a lot of questions from customers about what an Air Makeup Unit does, why it is needed and how it works. Here are the simple answers to all of those questions. We’ll try not to make it too complicated, because it’s really simple…. It provides lots of air to the paint booth.

Now, why would anyone need all that extra air? Well, it’s not really ‘extra’ air, it’s replacement – or makeup – air for air that has been used and expelled out of the booth. Booth exhaust systems use up large volumes of air from the space that it is installed. If this air is not replaced at the same rate that it is expelled, the booth, or the building, will experience negative pressure (the air pressure outside the building is greater than the air pressure inside the building).

Why is negative pressure bad? At the risk of sounding like a bunch of engineers, some indicators of negative pressure include the suction pressure that makes booth STE-AMU_Fulldoors difficult to open, exhaust fans that don’t work properly, drafts around doors and windows that cause a poor paint job and poor indoor air quality.

What does this have to do with your painting? Pressure problems make it difficult to paint in a booth and achieve proper coating and curing. When you are able to control the booth pressure and temperature, you are able to effectively remove particulates from the air that can negatively affect the quality of your finish. These problems are more pronounced during the cold season when windows are kept closed, reducing the natural pressure-balancing effect.

When you have an air make-up system, like the Sure-Cure AMU, the unit replaces the air that is expelled by a building’s exhaust system, maintaining the proper balance between inside and outside air pressures.

Some Cool Things About Air Makeup Units:

  • Replacement air can be heated in the winter months or to improve curing time. You can choose to not heat the replacement air in warmer months.
  • Cure your paint job in under an hour, increasing your daily productivity by up to 10X
  • Greatly reduce infiltration of cold outdoor air and drafts through opened booth doors
  • Encourage proper operation of booth exhaust systems
  • Improve the booth’s air quality
  • Eliminate suction pressure at doors
  • Decrease load on existing HVAC system
  • Lower energy costs by as much as 35%
  • Maintain a more comfortable and productive working environment

There are many individual benefits and features that differentiate AMU models and makes. It’s in our Sure-Cure air makeup unit features that make our unit safer and easier to operate. Now that you know why you need an AMU, check out all the benefits of having our AMU.

Want to see the video that launched it all? See the Sure-Cure AMU, in action, from all angles in just 55 seconds!


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