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Baby Its Cold Outside!! — Air Makeup Units

A favorite song of the winter holidays is ‘Baby, Its Cold Outside’.  The crooners of the 1960s like Dean Martin, Andy Williams and Ann-Margret make this a fun song to hear.  The fellow in this song reminds his girl of all of the problems of a cold winter night as she keeps trying to talk herself into leaving.

As we are bracing for this “Arctic Blast” about to hit us on the East Coast, we’re thinking of all those painters that have to open the building doors when the spray booth is used … and Baby, Its Cold Inside Too!!

At Standard Tools, we make heated air makeup units that can be added to your current system.  Spray booths with intake plenums (or intake canopies) can be directly ducted to our Sure-Cure AMU system. Cross-flow or open-face booths can be supplied with Sure-Cure AMU systems designed to put heated air right into the building.

  • The Sure-Cure direct-gas-fired units can be heated with liquid propane or natural gas.
  • The units are ETL-listed to USA and Canadian safety standards and are designed to provide tempered air (for spraying) and up to 160-F for curing.
  • When ordering your unit, there are many options about power, layout and orientation.
  • Systems are available from 10,000 cfm to 26,000 cfm.
  • We offer ducting components and wiring harnesses.

The best part is that your unit can be built to your specifications and ready to ship to your facility in just a few weeks.

Stop opening the building doors to bring in the freezing air.  OSHA requires a permanent spray area to be at least 65-F.  Most coatings do not work well at colder temperatures, which can lead to poor quality and poor productivity.

Visit our website or call our Sales team for more information.

Air Makeup Units (AMUs) Are HUMMIN’

AMU production 1014 (2)amu production 1014It’s going to be 85 in Greensboro, NC today, but cooler weather is just around the corner!  How do I know that?  Well, I just walked through our Sure-Cure air makeup unit (AMU) production shop, and things are hummin’.  We have four units on the bench in process and several more in the queue this week. These Sure-Cure AMU’s are in big demand.  ETL-certified and tested, they are among the safest units on the market today.

The Sure-Cure will provide gas-heated warm air inside your spray painting booth to speed curing time, even on the coldest days!  With a guaranteed 80 degree rise over ambient air temperature, if it is 0 degrees outside it will be 80 degrees inside your booth!  No more waiting hours or days for dry time.  Plus you can put it into cure mode at the end of the day and go home.  The unit will shut off automatically when the paint is cured.

If you have an Air Makeup Unit that is more than 10 years old you may be a candidate for a new high-efficiency Sure-Cure AMU.  Many of the old style Air Makeup Unit’s contain heat exchangers that can crack over years of use.  This greatly reduces the ability of the unit to heat the air to the desired temperature.  It could also result in dangerous fumes being emitted into your booth or painting area!

Our units are popular because Standard Tools is committed to a 2 to 3 week turnaround in producing these units, even in the winter months.  Other manufacturers take 8 to 12 weeks to ship an AMU!  So get your order in today, and be ready for the cold when it gets here!

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