Every day we are lucky enough to work with customers from practically every industry. We get to hear stories of what our customers are painting, finishing, creating. We get to hear about their business.
Cars, Boats and Train Cars. Large Hollywood studios, retailers and car manufacturers. We sell to the agricultural industry, theme parks, universities and music makers. We sell to prop masters, furniture makers and industries that require ‘clean rooms’. We have the gamut of customers. They are all using the paint booth for a slightly different application, but one thing remains important: safety.
At Standard Tools, we also get to hear the stories in the field that are the very reason for safety, compliance, and codes. We have dozens of examples on the importance of being safe. All too often these lessons are learned the hard way. If you Google “body shop fires” it will haunt you to see the images of the businesses burned to the ground from not using the correct equipment or practicing unsafe operations.

At Standard Tools, we set the bar high for customer satisfaction. At the very top of that list is safety. We want our booths, employees, customers

When a fire breaks out in a paint booth, if you have the proper fire suppression system…. your booth will be destroyed but your building can be saved.
Safety shouldn’t be optional.
This is why for our stock models that we have certifications for, we sell them as an ETL-certified and labeled booth. Safety shouldn’t be optional. When you order one of the dozens of stock certified booths from Standard Tools and Equipment, you can rest assured that you will have what you need to paint, but also what you’ll need to get permitting and inspections passed with ease in your local district.
Our booths comply with NFPA-33, the top-level safety code in the USA for spray application of flammable or combustible materials. Some stock models have also been tested and certified as an ETL-Certified Booth by Intertek/ETL (Edison Testing Labs), an OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) recognized NRTL (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory). This certification is mandatory by many local authorities for safe operation and compliance. Stock models of compliant booths come with the certification included in the booth price.

Local safety codes + standards.
It is important to stay up-to-date with your local safety codes and standards. Paint booth operators must comply with OSHA, as well as be compliant with the agencies that regulate paint booths like the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).
Since beginning the manufacturing of paint booths in 1997, we have seen a significant increase in the requirements from different areas around the country. More and more, customers are required to have certifications, fire suppression systems, proper air flow and ducting. If your local inspectors require a certified booth, that is helpful information prior to buying and installing an uncertified booth. To have a booth certified on your premise, it costs a lot of money and time, and it’s a hassle that could be avoided.
Our certified booths include more, but don’t cost more.
- An ETL label on the booth with the certification information for your local authorities.
- An air valve solenoid to interlock the fan motor and spray equipment.
- An ETL-certified Control Box to turn on your lights and fan.
We can’t be experts in local codes across the country, but we know paint booths and safety. That’s why we didn’t make ETL an option for our customers. It shouldn’t be an add-on cost. Safety shouldn’t be optional.
Let’s talk about your upcoming projects and how a booth from Standard Tools and Equipment can be a compliant, quality-made booth for your shop. Give us a call at 888-312-7488 and speak with a paint booth specialist to get started.