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We Don’t Need No stinking Exhaust Filters


Treasure of the Sierra Madre is a movie released in 1948 with Humphrey Bogart.  This movie is not rated as one of the best or most viewed, but it gave us a one liner that is often repeated.  In the movie Bogart and his group, along with several other groups of ne’er-do-wells, are looking for a lost treasure of gold.  One group tries to fool Bogart and his gang by acting as Mexican Federales (or mounted police).  “If you are Federales”, asks Bogart, “where are your badges?”  The bandit leader replies, “Badges?  We ain’t got no badges.  We don’t need no badges.  I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!”  Great line, but what does it have to do with spray booths? I feel like that is what customers say about exhaust filters for their booth. “Filters? We don’t need no exhaust filters.”

One of the main purposes of a spray booth is to capture overspray.  You do not want it to exhaust on top of your building.  Your co-workers do not want it deposited onto their vehicles in the parking lot.   You neighbors do not want it on their property.  The government does not look favorably on the overspray getting to the atmosphere, plants, soil or water. Continue reading We Don’t Need No stinking Exhaust Filters

Baby Its Cold Outside!! — Air Makeup Units

A favorite song of the winter holidays is ‘Baby, Its Cold Outside’.  The crooners of the 1960s like Dean Martin, Andy Williams and Ann-Margret make this a fun song to hear.  The fellow in this song reminds his girl of all of the problems of a cold winter night as she keeps trying to talk herself into leaving.

As we are bracing for this “Arctic Blast” about to hit us on the East Coast, we’re thinking of all those painters that have to open the building doors when the spray booth is used … and Baby, Its Cold Inside Too!!

At Standard Tools, we make heated air makeup units that can be added to your current system.  Spray booths with intake plenums (or intake canopies) can be directly ducted to our Sure-Cure AMU system. Cross-flow or open-face booths can be supplied with Sure-Cure AMU systems designed to put heated air right into the building.

  • The Sure-Cure direct-gas-fired units can be heated with liquid propane or natural gas.
  • The units are ETL-listed to USA and Canadian safety standards and are designed to provide tempered air (for spraying) and up to 160-F for curing.
  • When ordering your unit, there are many options about power, layout and orientation.
  • Systems are available from 10,000 cfm to 26,000 cfm.
  • We offer ducting components and wiring harnesses.

The best part is that your unit can be built to your specifications and ready to ship to your facility in just a few weeks.

Stop opening the building doors to bring in the freezing air.  OSHA requires a permanent spray area to be at least 65-F.  Most coatings do not work well at colder temperatures, which can lead to poor quality and poor productivity.

Visit our website or call our Sales team for more information.

Quality Furniture Made in Furniture Spray Booth

Tanya with Paint Booth Specialist Kelly Goudy
Tanya with Paint Booth Specialist Kelly Goudy

Being based in North Carolina, we are right up the road from some pretty impressive furniture makers. “Furniture Market” is a HUGE thing around these parts and a lot of furniture makers use spray booths to apply the finish to their products.

Back in November, I had the great privilege to meet Tanya Miller at the Carolina Christmas Classic in our hometown, Greensboro, NC.  She along with her husband Josh, own and operate Oak Craft Inc. out of Brockway, PA. They specialize in handcrafted red oak and cherry furniture that is made in many popular styles. I took a few pictures of the quality craftsmanship after visiting with Tanya at the show.

I first met Tanya over the phone in the spring of this year when she called inquiring about needing one of our paint spray booths for their shop, a furniture spray booth. During our conversation in April she shared that she would actually be in Greensboro for the Christmas Classic in November.  I love getting to meet some of our customers face to face whenever I can and this was a great opportunity.

After admiring their beautiful kitchen tables and servers that they had on display (see pictures of those below), we talked a bit about the furniture spray booth she purchased and how it was working great for them.  She was kind enough to share her pleasure in doing business with us and especially how easy it actually was to get the booth chosen, delivered and installed just like we promised. A satisfied customer encourages us in our mission.

We exist to deliver excellence to the automotive and painting industry…every customer – every product – every day.


Using a Standard Tools Open Face Booth (OFB) for furniture
If you are in need of a quality and affordable paint booth to make your business better, give me a call. If you are looking for some really high quality, hand crafted furniture for your home, call Tanya and Josh. Whichever phone call you make, you won’t be disappointed.


Why you won’t find a variable frequency drive (VFD) on our unheated booths

We have many customers that ask us if we offer a variable frequency drive or VFD for our paint booths. The answer is simply “No” and we have a very good reason on why.

A variable frequency drive allows you to control the speed of a motor. It is also known to be called a variable speed drive, adjustable speed drive or an adjustable frequency drive. We are very familiar with the VFD because we utilize them on our Air Makeup Units (which controls the exhaust fan on our heated booths – but not the intake fan). The difference is when we control the exhaust fan on the AMU’s, your booth remains in compliance and safe to use.

The VFD can turn the speed of the motor up or down depending on the motors capabilities. Most customer’s request this so they can reduce the speed of the motor for several applications explained, but not fully known to us as a manufacturer.

The simple answer, “No”, is followed by an explanation that if you turn down the motors speed; the booth will not be in compliance with the code requirements. A certain amount of airflow is required to meet the NFPA-33 guidelines.

To explain it a little more clearly, here is what our engineer Tracy Beach has said about this subject:

Insufficient airflow:

* will lead to poor painting quality

* will cause excessive fumes

* may easily lead to a fire or explosion due to flammable fumes not being exhausted from the spray booth. This is not a matter of convenience; the spray booth must be properly exhausted or it is simply a box holding lights and explosive fumes. The ventilation performance of most spray booths designed by Standard Tools is 6-10% above the NFPA-33 and OSHA code requirements.  Decreasing the airflow would be dangerous and may result in poor coating quality since the over spray would not move away from coated surfaces.

We urge our customer’s to contact the local authorities and find out what their cities requirements are prior to making a purchase of our paint booth. Whether it is the building department or fire marshal, we want them to be aware of the requirements. We also offer a paint booth permitting guide to help them along in the process.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We are here to help guide you in the decision making process.


During spray jobs in a paint booth, the exhaust system must draw substantial quantities of air out of the shop in order to operate. These volumes must be replenished with equal volumes of air coming into the booth.

STE_AMU Full CornerAIR MAKE-UP (AMU) is defined as…a mechanical means of replacing air that has been exhausted out of the booth.

It’s simple…. it’s all about paint booth air flow. How much air in being put into the booth and how much is being taken out. Airflow while spraying takes the over-spray away from the paint job and out of the booth.

Air in – Air out. Air in – Air out. Air in – Air out. Air in – Air out. That’s it. With the Sure-Cure Air Makeup Unit, you control the amount of air pushed into your booth. Why would you need to push air into your booth?

When the exhaust fan of the booth is turned on, it creates a “negative” air pressure in the booth cabin (taking out more air than is being put in). When there is a negative air pressure, the booth will try to suck in as much air as possible, including dirt and debris from outside the booth. THINK VACUUM CLEANERS.

To counter this “negative” pressure, an Air Makeup Unit (AMU) unit is used to supply air to replace the air being exhausted. If the AMU is designed to force more air into the booth than is exhausted…the booth is said to have “positive” air pressure. In this case, the booth has more air than outside the booth and when a door is opened, dirt and debris is pushed away from the booth. THINK STANDING IN FRONT OF A FAN. Continue reading PAINT BOOTH AIR FLOW: HOW IT WORKS

Spray Booth Code Requirements

workplace-safetyCODES,CODES, CODES. (Spray Booth Code Requirements). It’s like when you’re in school and it’s always rules, rules, rules. They can be challenging, but we all know that they exist to promote the safe design, production and use of spray booths.  They are what keep the folks working in the booth safe.

The codes are founded on common sense and from incidents from the field, like fires and explosions.

Governmental agencies or third-party groups, like the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) or Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL), create, administer and enforce the codes.

As a manufacturer of paint spray booths, the codes are very important to us, and everything we do to create the safest work environment for our customer that is possible.



Compliant Compliant means that Standard Tools uses the code as the basis in guiding our design, production and documentation.   We meet or exceed the requirements based on our interpretation of the code.

Certified A third-party testing lab like Intertek/ETL tests our booths and compares our production to the code and judges it to meet or exceed the code requirements.  When we pass the testing, we get certification. We label our product, trace the product after it’s sold and go through a routine audit by the NRTL to ensure that Standard Tools continues to comply with the code.

Complete This term means that all of the requirements in the code have been met by Standard Tools.  The NFPA codes for spray booths go beyond the design, production and documentation that Standard Tools provides.  There are requirements within the codes about the location of the spray booth, an adequate air supply and the use of licensed electricians.

With a car, there is a lot of responsibility that falls on the driver. You could have a really safe car, that was manufactured correctly, but if you fail to wear your seat belt, or you drive carelessly, it won’t matter how safe that car was made. It’s the same with a spray booth. A certified spray booth can be installed in an uncertified manner and that negates the entire certification.  There are responsibilities of the spray booth owner.   The owner is required to know and follow the instructions of safe installation and use that is provided with their spray booth from Standard Tools and Equipment.

Standard Tools and Equipment is informed on the codes that apply to spray booth manufacturing and use. We understand how intensive and baffling the “code” can be … hey, sometimes we think that it may as well have been written in actual ‘code’ language

because it would seem just as foreign. Here’s a brief snippet of the codes and how they relate to spray booths.

NFPA-33 Spray Application of Flammable or Combustible Materials. This top-level code drives all other codes that are specific about spray booths and mixing rooms.

OSHA 29CFR19 10 Section 94 Ventilation and Section 107 Spray Application of Flammable or Combustible Materials

This is Federal code from OSHA with more detail about actual spray booth performance and how it relates to worker safety.

IFC International Fire Code, Chapter 15
This is an International code with less detail than NFPA-33.  This often applies to spray booths in foreign-trade zones or in businesses owned by International organizations.

This is Federal code that defines maximum air quality emissions for auto body shops and industrial plants relative to spray operations.

State and local codes typically mimic federal codes but may have added requirements for local considerations like weather or seismic issues.

ANSI Z83.4 and CSA STD 3.7
American and Canadian codes relating to direct-fired heated air makeup systems.

UL-508A and CSA STD 22.2 No.1 4
American and Canadian codes relating to electrical control panels.

Canada has no active top-level code for spray booths.  They recognize NPFA-33 and/or IFC Chapter 15.  They do have codes that are specific to the electrical requirements and heated air makeup units.

Codes are not laws.  Codes are enforceable guidelines to be interpreted by authorities such as local permitting agencies, insurance agencies and federal agencies, such as the EPA.  The law is that a spray booth cannot be operated without a final permit to occupy.  The ruling authority provides that occupancy permit based on their judgment of the codes and the spray operation.  Every effort should be made to comply with the codes, but special situations may be permitted if the ruling authority deems the situation as acceptable.


Standard Tool and Equipment LogoStandard Tools and Equipment Co designs and manufacturers spray booths and mixing rooms to comply with NFPA-33, the top-level safety code in the USA for spray application of flammable or combustible materials.  We are in compliance with these codes, which means that as the supplier, we feel that we meet the code. Being compliant is not always enough, as some authorities require certification by a third-party to confirm compliance. That’s where Intertek/ETL comes in. As a nationally recognized third-party certification organization, they have tested and certified our most popular spray booth and mixing room models.

We offer an upgrade package on our most popular spray booths and mixing rooms.  This package includes our ETL-listed electrical control panel, an air valve solenoid to interlock the fan motor and spray equipment and the ETL label for the booth.

ETL LogoSo, do you need the ETL listing?

  • Maybe, if the spray booth is to be located in a large city
  • Probably, if the spray booth is to be located in NY, MA, CT, RI, MN, CA, OR or WA
  • Probably, if the spray booth is part of a government facility like a school or a military base
  • Definitely, if the spray booth is located in New York City or any of its boroughs
  • Definitely, if your local authority says that it is required – You should contact your local fire and building authority as early as possible in the process of buying a new spray booth

How can you acquire the ETL listing?

  • Buy it with the spray booth.  Standard Tools is allowed by Intertek/ETL to apply the certification mark to the booth only prior to the spray booth shipping from our dock.
  • If the booth is already installed, you can contact our engineering team and we will provide contact information for Intertek.  Intertek will have to visit your shop to inspect the spray booth and apply the certification mark.  On-site certification is usually three to ten times more expensive than buying the ETL mark with the spray booth. Other on-site certifiers are UL and MET.

A little paint booth business mixed with pleasure in Williams, Arizona

Williams, AZActually it was “business” by accident, or by fate, however you wish to look at it. Not really business, as I wasn’t selling anything.

Kelly in Williams, AzI have been with Standard Tools and Equipment Company for over 22 years now. It is a blurred line between business and passion… as my business is my passion. Working and traveling with the company over the years has been fun and I have had the privilege to see places I probably never would have on my own. I had never really spent any time out west, other than some trade shows in Vegas. So, when my son was chosen as a summer intern at a camp in Williams, Arizona, it gave me the perfect excuse to “Go West” with my wife for vacation this year.

The city of Williams, Arizona is known as “The Gateway to the Grand Canyon”. It is a small town on the Historic Route 66, only 2-1/2 hour drive from Phoenix. Williams was the last town on Historic Route 66 to be bypassed by Interstate 40. The community, bypassed on Oct. 13, 1984, continues to thrive on tourism. The Historic Downtown District covers six square blocks and boasts a rich heritage that features the Old West and Route 66 coupled with tourism trends today and the town’s heyday years of the ’50s and ’60s.

On our first day in Williams, we decided to go for a walk through town. We were walking down Main Street (Route 66) and we passed Custom Designs Autobody. The big garage door was wide open… I couldn’t help myself. I peeked my head inside to see the equipment they were using (as we say in NC, you can take the boy out of Standard Tools, but you can’t take Standard Tools out of the boy). The body man in the shop was working in a paint booth and we chatted a few minutes. I would know one anywhere, a CF-1000 Cross Flow Paint Booth from Standard Tools bought in 2002.  12-years-old and they still use their booth every day!

CF 1000 paint booth in Williams, Arizona
CF 1000 Paint Booth in Williams, Arizona from 2002!

CF 1000 paint booth from the sideAs an online retailer of paint booths and other related products, I often don’t get to see the equipment I sell, all set up and being used. We love it when customers send us pictures of their booth after install, or when they are using it… but mostly they are too busy painting to send photos on. I am never surprised to hear where the next booth is being shipped. We have them all over the world. I wish I could travel to see every single one of them…. oh, the places I would see.

We continued our vacation to the west coast, driving down the Pacific Coast Highway for a week. Because of this little business & pleasure encounter though, I couldn’t help but look for all the body shops along the way….hoping to see through an open garage door and catch of glimpse of one more of the thousands of booths we have sold across America over the last 17 years.

I have included a few pictures that I took that day and a few more from the Grand Canyon itself although pictures can never capture the magnificence of seeing it with your own eyes.

Kelly Goudy

Grand Canyon 3

Grand Canyon 2


price tag Do you ever get frustrated when you go online to look for something you need and find it … BUT there are no prices shown? It automatically makes me think that it is above my price range.

It must be a lot if they aren’t willing to post the price, right?”

Sure, you can get all the details, specs, color choices … except … how much you will pay. In today’s times, price is a driving factor in major purchases. What is the Paint Booth Price? That’s why we post our prices online, for you to see what you’re getting, and for how much. There are no hidden costs or crazy upcharges either. The Paint Booth Price is what is listed.

Unfortunately, this happens a lot in the paint booth industry because of the many factors that go into designing your booth. It’s like selecting a new car… there are a lot of options that affect the price. Leather seats? Heated seats? 2WD or 4WD? Sunroof? Media Player? Navigation? Spoiler? Companies, like a car salesman, think if they can talk to you, they can sell you the options or add-ons that you may or may not need. Isn’t that what we all fear, being “sold to”?


What type of booth do you need? Do you want to have it heated with an Air Makeup Unit? Do you need it ETL certified? Woops, have you thought about fire suppression? Do you want it powder coated? Want to add some extra lights or some additional height?

The type of airflow and optional features you choose for your paint booth will heavily impact the price you can expect to pay. However, even with all of these optional add-ons and selective features…  You can still expect to see our prices, right there on our site



We approach every customer wanting to gain an understanding of your business. We start by asking, “What are you painting?” This is important to us because in order to send you the perfect booth, we want to know what your needs are and what you are hoping to accomplish with your new booth. This may seem like a silly question, but we have sold over 10,000 booths to ALL industries. We sell to car painters, industrial applications and to other manufacturers (of all sorts of products)! You’d be amazed at where you would find our booths. With each application, there is a booth to fit.

An impressive half of all the booths we ship out are customized, meaning that something was tweaked or added or taken off. This is because we want to develop the perfect booth for you, period. That may mean an extra light or a drive-thru booth. Whatever it is, if we can imagine it, we can design it and we can make it. With an in-house engineering department, we have the ability to quickly and easily design a custom booth and get it into production fast. (Delivery in just two weeks or less in most cases!)

We do offer guidelines for choosing your booth, but these are only guidelines – factors like your location, environmental concerns, local codes and installation will impact your total investment.

We pride ourselves in manufacturing quality booths as an affordable option for all industries. Your basic open front booths (our OFB line) can cost as little as $2,599. Enclosed finishing booths (our EFB line) cost a bit more, from $4,599 to $10,000+. We also offer very large booths – for big trucks, heavy equipment or large machinery finishing – ranging between $20,000.00 and $40,000.

Heated air makeup units can double your productivity, as well as the cost of your booth, adding upwards of $15.000.

To mimic Cuba Gooding Jr. in ‘Jerry Maguire’, “Show me the money!!!!” If you are like me, you just want to stand up sometimes when shopping online and scream… “Show me the pricing!!!!”  Well, just visit and see the pricing.

When you’re ready, with questions, feel free to give us a call and be prepared to answer, “What are you painting?”

Do I Need Paint Booth MakeUp Air? What the heck is it?

Sure-Cure Air Makeup Unit
Sure-Cure Air Makeup Unit

Since we have announced the arrival of the Sure-Cure AMU to the market, we have been getting a lot of questions from customers about what an Air Makeup Unit does, why it is needed and how it works. Here are the simple answers to all of those questions. We’ll try not to make it too complicated, because it’s really simple…. It provides lots of air to the paint booth.

Now, why would anyone need all that extra air? Well, it’s not really ‘extra’ air, it’s replacement – or makeup – air for air that has been used and expelled out of the booth. Booth exhaust systems use up large volumes of air from the space that it is installed. If this air is not replaced at the same rate that it is expelled, the booth, or the building, will experience negative pressure (the air pressure outside the building is greater than the air pressure inside the building).

Why is negative pressure bad? At the risk of sounding like a bunch of engineers, some indicators of negative pressure include the suction pressure that makes booth STE-AMU_Fulldoors difficult to open, exhaust fans that don’t work properly, drafts around doors and windows that cause a poor paint job and poor indoor air quality.

What does this have to do with your painting? Pressure problems make it difficult to paint in a booth and achieve proper coating and curing. When you are able to control the booth pressure and temperature, you are able to effectively remove particulates from the air that can negatively affect the quality of your finish. These problems are more pronounced during the cold season when windows are kept closed, reducing the natural pressure-balancing effect.

When you have an air make-up system, like the Sure-Cure AMU, the unit replaces the air that is expelled by a building’s exhaust system, maintaining the proper balance between inside and outside air pressures.

Some Cool Things About Air Makeup Units:

  • Replacement air can be heated in the winter months or to improve curing time. You can choose to not heat the replacement air in warmer months.
  • Cure your paint job in under an hour, increasing your daily productivity by up to 10X
  • Greatly reduce infiltration of cold outdoor air and drafts through opened booth doors
  • Encourage proper operation of booth exhaust systems
  • Improve the booth’s air quality
  • Eliminate suction pressure at doors
  • Decrease load on existing HVAC system
  • Lower energy costs by as much as 35%
  • Maintain a more comfortable and productive working environment

There are many individual benefits and features that differentiate AMU models and makes. It’s in our Sure-Cure air makeup unit features that make our unit safer and easier to operate. Now that you know why you need an AMU, check out all the benefits of having our AMU.

Want to see the video that launched it all? See the Sure-Cure AMU, in action, from all angles in just 55 seconds!


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