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Standard Tools and Equipment Celebrates 20 Years.

Standard Tools Celebrates 20 years and 20,000 paint booths. Celebrate with us and see how the whole “Paint Booth thing” got started for us at Standard Tools and Equipment. It’s not where you might think.

“When it comes to our people, our products and the customers we serve … we are anything but Standard.”

Happy Birthday Standard Tools and Equipment Co. Continue reading Standard Tools and Equipment Celebrates 20 Years.

Industrial Paint Wall For Flawless Chrome Detail

A passion for car restoration turns into a major business of unique pieces.

I recently had the pleasure to work with and get to know Mr. Donald Pirre when he purchased an Industrial Paint Wall for his company, Coat of Chrome. He told me that he “chromes” anything, and I was intrigued. Don is not just a “chromer” (is that a word?) … but he is a true artist and master of his trade. Can you really chrome anything? Let’s see.

Gold chromed microphones for famous singers? Check.
20151118_115115Gold Chromed mask that looks like it belongs in the next Star Wars movie? Check.




Silver Chromed Football Trophy? Check.

20151118_125304Coat of Chrome was born out of his passion for restoring classic antique vehicles. His award winning automobiles include a 1967 Chevelle Malibu convertible and a 1967 Chevelle SS convertible. He discovered that it was a challenge to re-chrome parts due to the expense as well as the lack of service providers.

Don learned of a process used in Canada and Europe, which was not only effective for his auto restoration but also for numerous other applications. He went to Canada and learned from the experts and came back to open his business in 2003. Coat of Chrome can coat any type of material (metal, wood, glass, plastic, stone, fiberglass, ceramic, even fabric, etc.) with a mirror-finish, silver-metal coating that exactly duplicates chrome plating or colored chrome finishes. Continue reading Industrial Paint Wall For Flawless Chrome Detail

NESHAP Standards & Your Paint Booth


NESHAP Standards & Your Paint Booth

What you need to know about NESHAP requirements before you buy your spray booth.

Do you remember that movie, based on a true story, Erin Brockovich? Julie Roberts won an Oscar for her portrayal of the real-life environmentalist that went after a power company in Texas after contaminating the drinking water and caused many health issues in the community? That’s what I think of when I think of the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP).

The goal is to reduce hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), which are pollutants that are known or suspected to cause cancer or other serious health effects, such as reproductive effects or birth defects. HAPs are also known to cause adverse environmental effects.

NESHAP three-stage filter wall in cross flow paint booth

Clean Air Act

Americans are breathing easier and living healthier lives since the Clean Air Act was enacted in 1970. The EPA has made the reduction of HAPs a priority since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. It’s important if you are working with these pollutants, you follow the rules of compliance for working safely. The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) were developed in the 1970 (Clean Air Act – CAA) for hazardous air pollutants and revisited / enforced in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990.

First & Before: If you are looking to buy a booth, we always recommend that you speak with your local officials first to find out what is required. You’ll thank us later when you’re not paying to “get compliant”. This will vary based on where you are, what your spraying, etc. Your fire marshal can give you the city’s requirements, like if your booth needs to be ETL-listed (which we have), but you should also contact your local EPA office to see if you will be required to meet NESHAP requirements as well. It’s a good idea to have all your permits in place before you buy your booth. Read our blog to see all Top 10 Things you need to consider before buying a paint booth.

Know what you’re spraying. Do you know what you’re spraying? Have you read the labels and made yourself familiar with what all those ingredients are? Do you have the proper protective gear and equipment for you and your staff, to protect their health and safety?

If you are required to follow the NESHAP guidelines, here are some of the regulations by the EPA that you need to know:

  • Spray booths used to refinish complete motor vehicles or mobile equipment must be fully enclosed and ventilated at negative pressure or up to 0.05 inches water gauge positive pressure for booths that have seals on all doors and other openings and an automatic pressure balancing system.
  • Spray booths used to coat miscellaneous parts or products or vehicle sub-assemblies must have a full roof, at least three complete walls or side curtains, and ventilated so that air is drawn into the booth.
  • Spray-applied coatings must be applied with a high-volume, low pressure (HVLP) spray gun, electrostatic application, airless or air-assisted airless spray gun, or an equivalent technology.
  • Paint spray gun cleaning must be done so that an atomized mist or spray of the cleaning solvent is not created outside a container that collects used gun cleaning solvent.
  • Train and certify all personnel who spray apply surface coatings no later than 180 days after hiring.
  • Install/operate filter technologies on all spray booths to achieve at least 98% capture efficiency.
NESHAP three-stage filter wall in cross flow paint booth
NESHAP sanding booth with two MERV 11 filter boxes for recirculated air.

That last one, about the correct filtration, can be a bit tricky to understand if you’re not a “filter expert”. So, we consulted our filter experts about it and came up with the solution.

We can now provide you with a booth that has been designed for three- or two-stage NESHAP filtration. If it is two-stage, it means that your overspray will pass through 2 different filters before it is exhausted. If it is three-stage filtration, it will go through… you guessed it, three different filters. This is to ensure that the air is properly filtered of all contaminates before exhausted.

The booth will have a larger-than-normal fan to pull the air through multiple filters and there will be a “set” of different types of filters, based on your needs for compliance. The blanket filter pads, pocket filters, MERV 11 Filters and more are stacked to fit you needs. We choose filters with the efficiency you need to meet the 98% capture requirement.

We’re here to help you figure it out and get you setup to be successful, compliant, and safe. We don’t want Erin Brockovich coming after you next. Give us a call.



NEW! Heated Full Downdraft Booth.

We have designed a heated downdraft full-sized paint booth. The downdraft paint booth supplies filtered air to the booth through the full-filtered ceiling, and exhaust the chemical-containing air through filters below the grating on the floor. The air is directed downward, and the paint vapors and overspray are carried downward. So, the toxins do not pass by the painter’s breathing zone. This design is built for a pitted exhaust system. Although we provide the grating and the floor filters, we do not include the installation of the actual pit.

Since this booth is heated, the intake air is passes over the Sure-Cure direct-fired air make up unit (AMU) before it is pushed down through a full-plenum filtered ceiling.

Booth Shown: DD-1000GH, with Powder-Coating finish, LED Flat Panel Lights, Floor covering.

We provide the booth, the Sure-Cure air makeup unit, the floor grates and filters for your downdraft paint booth. We are the manufacturer and can customize your booth to fit your needs. So, if you want to add lights, have double drive-thru doors or make your booth taller, just give us a call for a custom-designed booth. Continue reading NEW! Heated Full Downdraft Booth.

Industrial Spark-Proof Room (ISPR) from Standard Tools and Equipment Co.

ISPR-8x8x8 200Many industries work with hazardous solvents that expose workers and facilities to hazardous and dangerous working conditions. Industries such as chemical, electronics, pharmaceutical, and various industrial processes have explosive environments that require the equipment to be specially constructed to minimize the risk of gas or dust ignition. The industrial spark-proof room (ISPR) from Standard Tools and Equipment is a ventilated and controlled environment for working with highly flammable and dangerous materials.

For use with different applications:

·    For use as a clean room
·    Solvent distillation and extraction
·    Caffeine extraction and recovery
·    Hazardous solvents
·    Ethanol distillation
·    Compressed gas bottle storage
·    Parts cleaning
·    Chemical synthesis
·    Dust handling
·    Furniture stripping
·    Compliant

Codes are written and enforced to keep you as safe as possible when working with dangerous materials. Our ISPR is designed to meet National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the International Fire Code (IFC) standards.

Class I, Division 2

Our industrial spark-proof room is a class I, division 2 workspace. Class I location indicates that flammable gases or vapors may or may not be in sufficient quantities to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures.  Division 2 indicates that the hazardous material has a high probability of producing an explosive or ignitable mixture due to it being present. All electrical wiring is specified to be Class I Division 2 wiring method as per NFPA-70 or National Electric Code chapter 500.

Components are “Spark Proof” rated

The lights in the ISPR are accessible from the inside and are rated for hazardous use. As a safety feature, lights automatically shutoff when light panel lense is opened. The fan is spark-resistant and the motor is fully-enclosed. The ISPR comes with an electrical control panel that must be 5’ from the booth, and wired with rigid conduit.

Systems are designed for use in interior space protected from rain and snow.
Supply and exhaust vents located near floor level to exhaust heavier-than-air gases.


The exhaust fan is of nonferrous construction and operates continuously at a lower CFM rating with the motor carrying a hazardous location label. The ISPR is not designed for applying paint.

Fire Suppression System

A fire suppression system is available at an additional cost, and recommended to be installed to the ISPR.

Available to fit your needs

Standard Tools and Equipment Co. is the manufacturer of the ISPR. There are basic model sizes offered, or it can be customized to fit your needs.

Specifications for the ISPR-1000:

·     Dimensions: 8’ H X 8’ W X 8’ D
·     (2) Inside Access Light Fixtures (Bulbs not included)
·     18-gauge galvanized steel
·     Control panel for Lights
·     Continuous funning fan
·     Compliant for NFPA and IFC codes
·     TEKS Screw construction. Easy assembly!
·     Ships direct from the manufacturer in North Carolina
·     Made in USA. All components are from N. America.
·     Exhausts through the continuous direct-drive radial blower fan.
·     A larger access door with observation window – 37″W X 84″H
·     All hardware, fasteners, sealants
·     Optional white powder-coating available inside and out


Buying a paint booth is easy … sort of.

Have you ever made a big purchase to find out details later that you wish you knew before?

Let us help you out. Here are some things to think about before you buy your paint booth:

IMG_4052Buy from an established company. Know who you’re doing business with. When you buy from a company that has been around a while, chances are that they will be around a while yet to come. Know their story. That will help when you need warranty or replacement parts in the future. Make sure you’re dealing with the manufacturer of the booth and not an installer, distributor of a foreign product or a reseller of a product. When you work directly with the manufacturer, you are talking to the folks who are making your booth, so you know you can customize your booth to fit your needs. Work with the experts in paint booths.

Buy a booth now that you can grow into later. Like buying a house, you’ll need to make sure this booth will fit your growing needs in the coming years. It can be very costly or nearly impossible to enlarge certain booths later.

Will it ever need to be heated? The great thing about our booths is you can choose to add a Sure-Cure Air Makeup Unit later to add heat, and the ability to cure quickly, to your booth. However, you will need to have a booth that can be heated. It is also for a smaller shop that needs to provide additional air to use a booth in their shop. Read our blog to see what an air makeup unit is.

LED Booth 12What are your power requirements? Yup, we will need to know how your space is wired so we know how to build the electrical components of your paint booth. Is is single-phase or three-phase?

Additional Needs. Will there be additional needs for your booth? Do you need Ductwork packages for exhaust? Our Control panels make turning your booth on an off (Lights and Fans) super easy. Our sales experts can assist you in determining what you need to start spraying fast!

Buying upgrades during the initial purchase process is best. The booth will be designed for those upgrades. Some upgrades are not possible after the booth is shipped, like powder coating the panels or adding the ETL certification. ETL may be required where you live… it’s best to find out all local requirements prior to making the purchase so you can make sure you buy a booth that will pass inspection. An ETL package makes the permitting and insuring processes much easier. A quicker start-up means that you can start painting earlier.

IMG_2834Fire Suppression will include additional costs. We offer fire suppression as a convenience for you as we can offer a better cost with our buying volume. You can certainly order a fire suppression system on your own if you choose. We sell you the system and the labor through a fire suppression company. Once the local installer comes out to view your space, they also check to see how much pipe and fitting you will need and will sell you that material directly. The Fire Suppression fee also does not include local permits needed, and those fees vary based on where you live.

Installation. How are you going to get your booth up? Buying a booth that you can install yourself can save a great deal of money and headaches.

Standard Tools and Equipment designs their booths to be put together by the end-user. It does take a few guys a few days, but can save you thousands of dollars. If you would rather have it installed, we have a national installer program and can recommend one for you. Regardless of how your booth is assembled, you will have to hire professional contractors for electrical and your fire systems will need to be installed by an installer through the fire suppression company.

Once you have done all the leg-work and know what your needs are, ordering a booth is easy!  Want to know more? Please visit our website or even better…. call our sales team at 800-451-2425 to find out how we can help you get the booth you need!


Blanket Filter Media
Standard Tools and Equipment Co. Booth with Blanket Exhaust Filters Installed.


If you’re a high production shop, doing a lot of spraying, naturally, you’ll need to change the filter media in your booth often. Changing your filter media is an important maintenance for your booth…. but let’s be honest, it’s time consuming. Do you wish there was an easier way to change them? Meet the blanket filter….. it’s going to change your life. Never change numerous 20” x 20” exhaust filters again.

Order our filter media blanket by the 100’ roll and a set of quick clips to get started. Just cut the filter blanket to the size you need and clip into the quick clips at the top and bottom and you’re set to go!

The blanket filter media fits over your existing filter grids, so there is no structure changes you need to make to your booth.

Our dense heavy-duty two-stage 22g media is 50% heavier than the 15g counterpart. Manufactured from continuous strands of glass fibers with 2.5” loading area backed with 100% fiberglass scrim backing.

Compliant with current EPA standards as well as many local municipal regulations. The 22g fiberglass construction provides excellent removal efficiency at an affordable price.


Julie and John also had a little fun with the blanket filter. If you want to see an appearance from Filterman installing the blanket filter, click here.
More filter media is available on our web site at:

Outfit your booth with LED lights … what a bright idea!



Standard Tools now offers you the option to upgrade your new booth, or outfit your current paint booth, with better lighting. We know you’ll see brilliant results.

Upgrade to LED flat panel lights and get 50,000 hours of life! Plus, you may even be eligible for a rebate from your power company for upgrading to energy-efficient lighting*! (For example, in NC and SC, Duke Power offers a $80/per fixture energy incentive for switching to LEDs! That’s $960 for the 12-light booth model shown below!)

Now That's a Bright Idea - Upgradte your booth with LED flat-panel lights!

LED Booth 12

Booth shown is our Semi-Downdraft Paint Booth with the 12 LED Flat Panel Bundle. It is also shown with our blanket exhaust filter, installed with quick clips. Add these to your order today. * Please check with your local power supplier for available rebates. * Continue reading Outfit your booth with LED lights … what a bright idea!

Putting a Face with the Voice: The Sales and Customer Service Team

As you walk into the Standard Tools and Equipment corporate offices, the entire front hallway is made up of our customer service, sales team and marketing team. It’s a loud and bustling hallway, answering phones and having some fun along the way.

When you call in and talk to our sales and customer service team, have you ever wondered what the voice on the other end of the phone looks like? Our sales and customer service team is made up of some of the most amazing people I have had the pleasure to know and work beside. We wanted to show you a peak inside our sales center…. it’s a fun place to be. Come see us sometime!

Sales & Customer Service Team

From Left to Right:

Julie Surprenant: Paint booth rock star. Loves to talk to customers from her home state of Rhode Island or fans of her beloved Red Sox. Her office is covered in Red Sox gear and her son’s beautiful artwork. You can tell from talking to her that she’s not “from around these parts”…. and we love that about her.Julie's desk
Fabiola Martinez: Tools USA and Eagle sales and customer service. Makes the most amazing empanadas that everyone in the office can’t get enough of. Seriously, we beg…. it’s sad and pathetic, but they’re that good. She also covers our Spanish sales line.

Wayne Piner: Eagle Sales, Parts and Customer Service. Loves coaching in his spare time and has mastered the art of working with so many women (and acting like he doesn’t love every minute of it.)

Jennifer Patterson: Sales. Specializing in paint booth sales and customer service. The newest member of our team, Jennifer has a gazillion post-it notes at her workspace. She loves talking to people, and you will enjoy her very southern accent! (She may also slip a ‘sweetie’ or a ‘Hun’ in there).

Jennifer at her desk
Bill Daliege: Problem solver. Parts orderer. Manual writer. Detail fixer. Has been with us 10 years and is familiar with the “vintage Eagle machines”. He loves to help you out …. just don’t touch his hat.

Sales posing
Michelle Duncan:
Michelle is the team’s cheerleader and coach. You’ll often find her dancing in the hallways, bringing in food for someone’s birthday or helping to solve a customer’s issue.

Gina Gilchrist: Gina is the smiling face you see if you come to see us. She always has candy in her drawer and gum in her pocket, so she’s a good friend to have. She’s been with us for 10 years and can assist in solving almost any issue!

Angie Brown:  She is the team’s fashionista and camera lover, and the camera loves her back!  She is the most cheerful and happy person on the team, and her awesome attitude is surely contagious. If you check inside her desk, you would see that she likes Lysol wipes and multiple packets of ranch … she also always has enough sugar to get her through the day.

Angie's snack stash

Not Pictured: Rosy Gonzalez: Our rock star sales and customer rep, based in Texas!

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